If you do NOT have credentials, please contact your Customer Representative or manager.
If you need to reset your password, please utilize the "Forgot Password" link on the left-hand panel before contacting the Service Desk.
If you would like to bookmark the STS Portal Login Page, use the following URL: https://sso.sharedservices.dir.texas.gov
Warning: Unauthorized access is prohibited by Law and is subject to criminal prosecution. Your IP address has been logged in an IDS device. Usage may be subject to security testing and monitoring. All users of this application or any other applications, networks or systems accessed from this point should keep in mind that all such usage can be recorded and stored along with the source and destination. The System path record is the property of the State of Texas. Such information is subject to the Texas Public Information Act and the laws applicable to State records retention. Users have no right to privacy with regard to Internet or other State network use. Management has the ability and right to view usage patterns and take action to assure that Shared Technology Services (STS) resources are devoted to authorized activities and maintain the highest levels of productivity.